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Columbus & Central Ohio, United States
DeLena Ciamacco is a well-known, respected Top Producing Realtor in Central Ohio. Her myriad of accomplishments, recognition, and professional credentials as they relate to Real Estate, make her a perfect individual to provide insight to the masses on all aspects of Real Estate sales. Her creativity and honest approach to marketing Real Estate has enabled her to succeed in her career. DeLena’s philosophy is “An educated and well prepared Buyer or Seller is a smart Buyer or Seller”. Her desire is to inform the public, by pulling from her 20+ years of Real Estate sales & Marketing, what is necessary to get to a successful closing in these challenging times.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Helping moms get finances on track for now and the future

(BPT) - Being a mom is a full-time job. No matter how old the children are, a mom is on call at all hours of the day and night, responding to injuries and broken hearts, handling homework questions, setting household rules, and establishing consequences if said rules are broken. But moms often have other jobs as well, juggling household chores, managing finances and often holding a full-time job.

Unfortunately, when the work load becomes too much, something can fall by the wayside, and often that something is finances. Only 24 percent of moms report they are satisfied with their current financial situation. They admit they are struggling to make ends meet, or are worried about their financial future, according to the -State of the American Mom Study released by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual).

"It's no secret in today's world that moms are stretched thin, but their finances shouldn't have to suffer as a result," says Tara Reynolds, corporate vice president with MassMutual.

Moms can get their finances on track with a few tips from MassMutual:

* Be prepared - Emergencies are not predictable, but if you have an emergency fund, you can protect yourself and your future plans for your family if you find yourself in a troubling financial situation.

* Protect your income - Families often don't take into account the salary a stay-at-home mom would earn if she were to be paid for the work she does. If something were to happen to you as a stay-at-home mom, preventing you from doing these duties, your family may experience some troubling out-of-pocket expenses. With the help of a financial professional, you can explore financial options to ensure that you're planning ahead adequately no matter what the future holds.

"Luckily, finding an experienced professional for your finances can be easier than finding help for child care or other things that cause stress for today's moms," Reynolds says. "This can make all the difference in helping moms achieve financial security for themselves and their families."

* Plan now, not later - Don't procrastinate when it comes to planning for your financial future. No one knows what the future will bring, so now is the time to sit down and think about how to pass your assets - but not your taxes - to your heirs.

* Have the talk - Schedule a monthly meeting to sit down with your spouse or significant other - or children if they're old enough - to discuss your finances. It's critical for family members to have a full understanding of all debt and assets in order to build a realistic plan.

The survey found only one-third of moms currently use the services of a financial professional to help them with their investments and insurance needs. Set up a meeting today to get your finances on track for both your current needs and those of the future.

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